Foregone releases on Steam

On March 1st, Foregone releases on Steam alongside an all-new update which introduces new side missions, new boss encounters, new weapons, and a new NPC to encounter in the Outpost. […]

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Big Blue Bubble Announces Console Release Date for Foregone

Canadian game developer Big Blue Bubble will launch their challenging 2D action-platformer Foregone on all major consoles on October 5th, 2020. Developed with support from Ontario Creates and currently available in Early Access on the Epic Games Store, players can soon experience Foregone’s award-winning music, breathtaking pixel artwork, and intense combat on the Nintendo Switch, […]

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Big Blue Bubble Showcases Foregone at Game Slice 2019

Big Blue Bubble was proud to showcase their upcoming action-platformer Foregone last week at Game Slice, an annual gaming industry event where Canadian game developers can gather to test and enjoy new titles in development. Big Blue Bubble has previously won Game Slice’s coveted Industry Choice Award with the charming arcade title Wrecking Squad. “While [Foregone] […]

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