Hardcore Gamer: Foregone Takes Inspiration from Dead Cells to Great Effect

Hardcore Gamer’s Jason Bohn got his hands on a playable Foregone demo at PAX South and shared his thoughts in a recent write-up. Bohn praises the game for finding inspiration in gaming greats like Dead Cells and “pulling it off,” while still adding its own unique ideas and style to the action platformer genre. “No matter […]

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Foregone Is One of Fanbyte’s Top Indies to Watch

Kenneth Shepard of Fanbyte named Foregone one of their top 11 indie titles  to watch from this year’s PAX South. Shepard finds Foregone’s hybrid action-platformer-looter genre an enticing mix, and discusses how the game’s weapon drops can drastically affect combat on the fly. “The action-driven combat makes different weapon drops meaningful as everything changes depending […]

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Goomba Stomp Gets Hands-On with Foregone at PAX South

Goomba Stomp’s Campbell Gill spotlights Foregone as one of the remarkable indie games he was able to test out at this year’s PAX South. Gill notes that in a sea of procedurally-generated and nonlinear titles, Foregone‘s handcrafted design stand out from the crowd. “In a generation where nonlinearity reigns supreme, such straightforward design is refreshing […]

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Foregone Is One of USGamer’s PAX South Highlights

USgamer news editor Eric Van Allen named Foregone one of his highlights from PAX South 2020’s collection of outstanding indie games. Van Allen praises the game’s fluid animation and challenging enemies. “Foregone seems like a good way for casual players to ease into the action, rather than butt their heads against bad rolls and knowledge […]

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